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Tracks to the Future: Topics
Engineering. This site is developed for faculty/teachers interested in
learning more about the curricula, or potentially even use some of the
materials/activities in their classroom. Students can also explore the
materials, although we highly encourage those eligible for participating
in the Tracks to the Future to visit our web site and look for the next time it's being offered.
the high tech and environmentally sensitive transportation mode! Don’t
believe us? This course will help you learn why railroads remain the most
energy-efficient transportation mode and what forms modern railroad
track, equipment, and communications/control systems might take. Learn
how rail compares with other modes and leads the charge in reducing
transportation greenhouse gas emissions! Find out how it all works:
classroom/virtual sessions, hands-on activities, and plenty of field
visits to all sorts of railroad facilities! See below for description
of traditional (on-campus) and hybrid program options.

This section will introduce you to the transportation modes, rail
industry jobs and development of rail transportation in the US (and
somewhat beyond).
Module Topics
- Rail Industry Jobs/Careers and Railroad Engineering Programs
- Transportation Modes
- Rail Transportation History
- Rail System Components
- Freight and Passenger Rail Transportation in the U.S. Today
Learning Activities
- Kahoot "Knowledge" Competition for Module 1
- Word Clouds Activities
- Freight Transportation Modes
- Passenger Transportation Modes
- What makes a railroad?
- What makes a passenger train?
- What are the Class 1 railroads in North America?
- What makes a railroad?
This section will refine the concepts
from the What Is Rail Transportation lesson and focus specifically on
the cars and locomotives used on rail systems
Learning Objectives
- Basic types of rolling stock used on modern North American railroads
- Type of rail car is used for various types of freight
- Basic types of locomotives used on railroads, and where they might be used
- Advances in locomotives and how they might affect future operations
Learning Activities
- Wheel Dynamics
- Build your Bogie
- Braking and Train Energy Management
- Kahoot Knowledge Check
This section will provide brief introduction to Freight Operations on the railroad.
Module Topics
- How and what gets shipped by rail between the states
- How freight trains and networks are organized and operated
- What are rail yards and how do they classify rail cars
Learning Activities
- State to State Freight Movements
- Network Operations, Trucks vs Trains
- Freight Rail Terminals
- Classification Yard Sorting Game
This section will introduce you to Passenger Rail Operations,
including Amtrak and Intercity Rail, Commuter Rail, and Rail Transit
Module Topics
- Intercity Rail in the US and traveling between cities with different transportation modes
- High Speed Rail definitions and systems in the US and abroad
- Urban passenger rail modes and systems in the US
Learning Activities
- Let’s Go For a Trip – Comparing Modes
- Passenger Rail Options in Different Countries
- HSR Corridor Comparison
- US Commuter Rail Systems
This section will introduce you to some of the design and engineering aspects of the rail industry
Module Topics
- Railroad Track structure
- Intermodal operations – Rail vs Trucks and Rail with Trucks
- Resistance between wheels and roads or tracks
- Mag-lev rail systems – Current status and design
- Rail car capacity by weight and by volume
Learning Activities
- Train Resistance
- Rail Car Size and Weight - Cubing vs Taring
- Mag-lev cars
- Intermodal operations game
This module will reinforce the concepts you learned in the Freight
Operations and Passenger Operations modules using hands on activities at
your assigned university.
Module Topics
- Module Topics
- Mainline railroad operations and dispatching
- Track structure
- Computer simulations
Learning Activities
- Computer simulation
- Wooden Track Operations
- Intermodal Game
- Passenger Operations Experience
Railway-Themed K-12 STEM Distance Learning Activities
Miscellaneous -
John's Sandbox
Miscellaneous -
Michigan Rail Conference 2022
Workforce Development